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The Persian Cat: A very particular beautiful feline
venta gatos persas y exóticos

Interesting facts about the Persian cat: Weight: between 3 and 5 kilograms. Length: between 40 and 50 centimeters. Life expectancy: up to 20 years. Type of cat: domestic. Character: presumed, affectionate and calm.


The Persian cat has been known since time immemorial. The first ancestors of this breed are said to have arrived in Italy in the 17th century - originating from what is now known as Iran - and were considered the first long-haired cats in Europe. It was later, in the 19th century, that the European aristocracy began to breed long-haired cats in a remarkable way. This led to the Persian cat being raised in the most distinguished families of France, Italy and England. From there very interesting crosses began to be made between the Persian cat and other breeds, such as the Angora. It is the mix between these two breeds that gave rise to the Persian cat that we all know today. At present, it is a popular breed and well spread worldwide, although the number of its specimens is more or less high.


Persian cat characteristics

The Persian cat is a breed of medium-large stature. Its size generally ranges from 40

and 50 centimeters and its average weight is between 4 and 5 kilograms. It is a breed of cat whose

main characteristic lies in having a round head in which a wide skull protrudes

with a flat face. Its nose is also flat, with a short snout and large, well-separated eyes.

and open. These are usually clear and bright. Its ears are small, with rounded tips.

The Persian cat's body is robust, with good musculature. Your body is

solid and rounded.


It has a thick, long, silky coat with a long hairy tail. Its colors vary by one

wide range of possibilities. These can range from intense solids like white, black,

blue, lilac, red and chocolate, even the two-color possibilities with stripes (tabby). In the case of

males have two colors, unlike females, which can have up to three.

Making a general description of the Persian cat, we can summarize that it is a strong cat, with a nose at eye level and totally flat, with strong bones, the more robust the better, the strong muscles, that when loading you perceive a solid and robust cat, the head must be round therefore all its contours are round, small ears, large eyes and expressive that enchant, the color of the eye in the Persian must be copper, the Persian cat must be a cat with short legs, legs and tail. Everything in the cat itself must show a balance, technically it can be said that the Persian cat is the round cat.



Persian cat character

Tranquility is perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Persian cat's character. It is very common to see them sleeping peacefully in their favorite furniture or chair. Like good sleepers, they are very calm, they love little naps, caresses and care. They love warm places where they can spend moments of calm and peace. Although they are conceited, they will not lack claims to their owners asking for sweet caresses. Their beauty makes them worthy of special attention. On the other hand, they get along quite well with all members of the family in general. However, if there are small children, they should gradually learn to share with this kind of pet.


The games must be smooth and always with respect so that there is a good harmony between children and pets. Remember that it is a cat that has a marked tendency to live in limited spaces (inside the house) so it will not have a great time going outside the home.




Persian cat health

The Persian cat, when it has the required care, can live to be 20 years old. However, although health is monitored, there are some ailments that can afflict this breed. Cystic kidney diseases can develop over time, resulting in kidney failure. Likewise, the way the face of this cat breed is structured makes the tearing constant and irritations can occur in some areas of its skin or respiratory problems. Therefore, they must always be kept clean.


Since the Persian cat is particularly furry, keeping it brushed is a health issue. Avoiding hairball related problems will always be a priority, as they are a frequent cause of constipation or vomiting. Daily brushing will keep dead hair out of its coat and its intake will be minimal.


Persian cat care

Balanced nutrition that includes a good amount of natural food will be beneficial to your health. beef or chicken with vegetables and rice with meats (boneless) are excellent options for a well-fed Persian cat. The feed, in case you give it to him, should always be fresh and of good quality. A good hydration will make the cat's kidneys always in good condition; for this there must be fresh and clean water at your disposal.


Veterinary medical supervision is essential for the health of the Persian cat. This will monitor the condition of their legs, fur, eyes, ears and teeth. When a strange abnormality in your health should be consulted with a feline specialist. It is important to keep your vaccinations and deworming up to date.

Finally, it should not be forgotten to keep the sanitary sand clean and in a ventilated area. This will prevent bad smells and the presence of flies. The Persian cat is particularly furry and requires a comfortable and well-maintained site for its physiological needs.


Thinking of BUYING a Persian cat? Do you want to know more about this and other races? Write us ......

ebenezer cattery
Standard of the Breed

Species: Felina

Breeds: Persian Cat, Exotic Cat, and Hiamalayo Cat.


In this section we will talk about these three (03) beautiful breeds, for no one it is a secret that the Persian Cat is one, not to say that the most fantastic breed that exists and has existed, in the exhibitions they are the most striking for their fur and all the particular shape of his face, the Persian has a tender and expressive appearance that captivates not only judges but also the general public throughout the world.


EBENEZER CATTERY for being affiliated with TICA and CFA fully agrees with the postulates and official standards of the breed, we must not lose sight of the fact that they are different breeds that share similar characteristics, although PERSIAN (PS) cats, HIMALAYAN cats (HI ) and EXOTIC cats (ES) are part of the same group of breeds, therefore the Standard that governs them is the same, differentiating each other by characteristics of color in the coat, color of the eyes, and length in the hair, to mention some. Below we attach the TICA Racial Standard (The International Cat Association), one of the associations that support our kennel (Source: :










































It is important to clarify that there are NO Persian cats

"Doll Face" "Ends" "Classics"
"PekeFace" "British Persian" among other terms, ALL

invented and used as marketing by people without

study and own knowledge of the breed with the sole purpose of

selling "pseudo persian" kittens. In the case of purebred animals

(Persian, or exotic or Himalayan cats) are creditors to a

international genealogical record as the ONLY proof of

authenticity of their race, and not the or the record (s) of their /

one of their

parents only (as many do). It is important that

both breeding cats and people who choose to breed

(officially a race) are involved in the environment of the

felinolofilia, there are lying people who try to sell to

kittens in breeder quality or even Show and have never participated in

no feline exosicion. to make it clear that the Persian is

ONLY ONE.   Is it mentioned somewhere in the standard

(TICA) racial another type or term to refer to the Persian cat ?.

I mean


Guía de Cuidados Básicos del Gato Persa

Little guide about Persian cat care

Diferencias entre un gato persa y uno pelo largo

Differences between a Persian cat and a long-haired cat

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