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Conditions of Purchase and Sale

venta de gatos persas

In this section you will find the conditions of Sale that EBENEZER CATTERY requires to be able to acquire a kitten / Cat from our kennel, recommendations, and means or facilities of payment.


How to buy a Persian Kitten, or Exotic; In this section, you will find information about how to buy and / or acquire a Persian kitten or cat from the EBEN EZER Kennel, please read the following information carefully:


1. The information on our home page and on our social networks is updated periodically, and if we notify that we do not have kittens available, it is because we really do not have: (and if it says that there are 1-2-3 ... look at the photos, is all we have in the moment.


2. Please look at the photos (videos) of the kittens available for sale on this hatchery page (EbenEzer Cats), or facebook, or write to us at e-mail:


3. If there is a kitten / cat that you like, please call us to confirm the value of the kitten and to make an appointment: (+57) 321 870 0352 - (+57) 3118072947 (WatsApp).


4. The cost of the pedigree certificates of the kittens is not included in the value of the kitten, if you decide to have it, it will be on your own, we take care of the procedures. The papers provided by the kennel and others such as the photocopy of the kitten's parents' pedigree are free of charge.


5. The puppies will be delivered at 12 weeks of age, with their first vaccine (Triple) and the corresponding deworming, negative DNA PKD certificates of the parents, Microchip (National Registry of Pets - not satellite location), medical exams negative cat / kitten VIF-VILEF, registration documents with TICA, USA; after legalization and payment.


6. If after seeing the kitten you personally decide to buy it but it has not been 3 months, you can reserve it at least with $ 200,000 Colombian pesos, or USD 200. Only with a deposit you can reserve a kitten / cat from us. All deposits are NON-refundable and are taken in good faith for the reservation of a cat / kitten. Consequently, if you change your mind, or the kitten because of its growth does not exceed your expectations, or if you do not pick up the kitten on the agreed dates without any personal notice:


The deposit will NOT be returned and you must wait for a next litter. We reserve the right to sell any cat / kitten, EBENEZER CATTERY may refund the reservation if for any reason you decide not to make the sale. The balance or remainder is canceled on the day of delivery of the kitten in cash.


7. Pet Cats are delivered sterilized without exception before going to their new home, cats for breeding or show from 4-5 months or after their final change of teeth. These dates may vary depending on the evolution and development of the kittens.


8. Shipping costs and risks associated with these will be borne by the buyer.


9. All our kittens have a health guarantee, according to the contract.


10. You can reserve a cat that has not been born to have the first purchase option, such reservation as mentioned is NOT refundable, if you change your mind. The reservation can be made by a Persian or exotic cat, but the kennel does not guarantee the quality, color and sex of the litters, in the event that the cats that are born do not satisfy the client who made the reservation, he should wait until that a kitten is born that meets their needs.


11. Debit, credit, cash, money transfer is received through Efecty, WesterUnion; Through our cell numbers we will provide you with a number of bank accounts. We accept payment facilities, but you must respect the specified date or we can cancel it. Remember that the costs for money order or money order transactions must be borne by the buyer.


12. We take great care of our kittens, but it is not possible to ensure their longevity, although much depends on the "genetics", even more it depends on the correct care of the kitten.


We will be advising you as long as you need it! Still, remember that since you bring your kitten home, your best friend will be the vet.

13. We do not sell kittens "for children" or only convinced, this friendship will be supervised by adults.

14. We are happy to help you if you need any advice regarding cats, but we are not a pet store and we do not know how much a Siamese costs, or where to buy a British fold ... If you are looking for a cat of another breed, contact the feline associations in Bogota-Colombia such as TICA Sud America or ACFEC.


15. WE ARE A CLOSED NURSERY, we DO NOT loan males for mounts therefore, we do not loan females either, we only breed with our own specimens.

16. We do not breed Himalayan cats at the moment, remember that EBEN EZER CATTERY only breeds Persians and exotics, at some point we will introduce a small line of the Himalayan breed.


17. If the buyer requests DNA testing, the testing will be paid for by the new owners.


18. ALL EbenEzer KITTENS are negative PKD, a copy of the results of parents or grandparents will be delivered.


19. Kittens / cats that are purchased for CRIA / BREEDER or SHOW quality; The Buyers will not be able to sell whole kittens, that is, for breeding programs in Colombia, exceptionally EBENEZER CATTERY may omit this condition of sale.


20. Before contacting EBENEZER CATTERY, read our Purchase agreement in advance by clicking on the image in PDF.


21. The expenses or costs when the client decides to buy a copy for PET / PET, will be assumed by the Buyer, that is to say that the cost of the surgery and postoperative of the kitten is not included in the value of the copy.





EBENEZER contract


EBENEZER contract

Classification of Cats for Sale

When consulting about a copy for sale or adoption, keep in mind that all are delivered with a Contract without exception .............



PET / PET / COMPANY QUALITY: Those cats that the Kennel establishes must be neutralized (neutered) to be home pets and / or pets.


BREEDING QUALITY / BREEDERS: Those cats with a fantastic pedigree and the potential to breed excellent Show Quality cats, depending on the knowledge and breeding done by their new owner. Cats sold as breeding quality may NOT participate in feline exhibitions in Colombia or abroad, unless EBENEZER CATTERY considers that they can do so in their evolution and development. In the event that said animal appears in exhibitions, the BREEDER will not be responsible for the ratings obtained.

SHOW QUALITY: Those cats with fantastic pedigree and great potential to reproduce excellent show quality cats. Depending on the excellent care of its owner, the judges' taste for race, and other factors. A show quality cat will be able to obtain important titles.

TOP SHOW QUALITY: We DO NOT classify cats in this modality.


The day the kitten is delivered, you must bring a plastic box and two blankets: one inside the box and the other to cover it, in the house you must have the essential accessories prepared, even for the first day: sandbox, food (ROYAL CANIN, PROPLAN, OR AGILITY GOLD CATS), nail scraper, and a can of Hill's / kitten. EBENEZER CATTERY will send you by email a primer or manual for the new owner with very specific recommendations.


The first moments are the most important to establish a good relationship with the kitten.

You must convince him that your new home is safe and that you will protect him and provide him with everything he may need.


It is preferable to deliver the kitten on a Friday to be able to accompany it for at least the next two days, buy everything you need before picking up the kitten so that it can take it directly from the Hatchery to the House; despite the excitement, do not invite anyone until the gatico feel completely secure in your new home !.

As soon as I get home, locate the guacal with the kitten in the room where I can be with him. Don't get him out of the box, just open the gate, sit close, offer him water, speak in a low and calm voice, try to provoke him out with a toy, offering him a half teaspoon of Hill's, don't force him if he doesn't accept it.


Leave him alone for a little while, but don't go away (he can read, watch TV in the meantime), from time to time, talk to him, you have to show him where his new sandbox, water, food is going to be. So that you understand and do not confuse the sandbox with a bed (it usually happens), leave in this a piece of cotton smeared with urine (human) and the first few days, take it frequently to the sandbox to memorize its location.


When you see him a little more secure, open the door of the room so that he goes out to explore the rest of the house if he provokes him, if he cries, do not leave him alone: attend him by stroking, speaking softly, conquering him with a little Hill´s , play with him.


If you have young children, explain that they should not run or make noises while the cat is getting used to their new home, sometimes it happens that a cat, although apparently feeling well (plays, runs, jumps etc.) "forgets" that it can eat, in this case just put a few nuggets of the concentrate in your mouth, you can also mix a small portion of concentrate with a little can of Hill's.

Payment methods and facilities

EBENEZER Pets and Services, places at the disposal of those interested in acquiring a copy of our CATTERY the following means of payment:

MercadoPago EbenEzer Cattery
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